Thursday, October 28, 2010

Japanese Students Association

 The room was almost filled with Japanese students including a few American students who came to the second time of this year's JSA (Japanese Students Association) meeting.

JSA was formed a few years ago for Japanese students who study at OSU, and anyone who is interested in their activities. It sets up events that introduce Japanese culture and give an opportunity for students to meet with both American and non-American students. Since Japanese students have a tendency to surround themselves only with other Japanese, the association encourages them to connect with native speakers.

 The meeting took place at the third floor of Memorial Union at OSU. About 35 participants were students at both OSU and LBCC."The main goal for us this year is to success in J-night and make it as close as Japanese festivals are." said Taro Nakano who's been the president of JSA since last month. The president, the vice president, the secretary, an accountant and the volunteer coordinator sat up front to lead the meeting. It started it with the president's greeting looking excited to see participants.

The president made an announcement of J-night which will take place in May of 2011. "This event is going to be the biggest event that JSA will set up", the president Taro Nakano stated enthusiastically. Then he explained a brief description of event  and the future events in both Japanese and English. According to the president, J-night focuses on showing Japanese culture and tradition to people in Corvallis performing dance, food, art, music and teaching history. Since last year's J-night went successfully, members hope to launch another J-night that will inspire as many people as possible.

Subsequently, the vice president asked the members for any suggestions or ideas of events they want to plan. The members seemed to hesitate to speak up. After a few minutes of silence, one of the member suggested playing football, doing ice cream party and potluck. Meanwhile the president added that they will have a football game with the team of Korean students. Another accomplishment is to help students get involved with meeting each other including international students. 

 "We'll also make this club a sponsored organization." They also planned to make T-shirts for this year offering the design of T-shirts.The other member hopes to get involved with Japanese embassy in Portland so that students will have opportunities for possible employment.

 The secretary Leesa Viveiros is also excited. She wants to spread Japanese culture to everyone in Corvallis and tries to help Japanese students experience diversity, meet other people and express who they are instead of being together only with other Japanese.

They have a conversation partner activity which students converse with American students who are learning Japanese. Meeting once a week with an hour practice is the expectation of activity. It benefits both students to improve language skills of their own.

 There are 200 members including Hawaiians, and the meeting is every Monday from 5:30 p.m to 6:30p.m at Memorial Union at OSU. The place changes every week. 

 The first event for this year will be Pumpkin Carving this Thursday night.

What: The meeting for JSA (Japanese Students Association at OSU)

When: Every Monday from 5:30pm to 6:30 pm

Where: Memorial Union at OSU ( The room depends)

Contact: President Taro Nakano


JSA Official Website

OSU website



J-Night 2008

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