Friday, October 15, 2010

Things that journalists should never do

First of all, journalist should be skeptical but not cynical. Keep asking questions so that it gives us the motivation to look further into the story. Relationship should be based on trust, but in terms of journalism, skepticism is the core of investigating stories and is the basis for interrogating.

As a journalist, everyone is a source and is where the ideas for the stories come from. However, don't focus on single person but multiples. To obtain juicy details, we should ask as many people as possible. Moreover, always be willing to listen and stay open minded. We are not in a position to manipulate the story, but to report as accurately as we can.

Last of all, even if the story once gets published, don't let it be the end. It's never done. Ask the readers about the story. Getting some feedback can brush up writing skills and can be good tips to wirte the next story.

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