Tuesday, November 30, 2010

To Pursue A Carrer

He was enthusiastic, desirous, and courageous with full of ambition.

Our guest speaker, Brandon Goldner, is currently a junior at Oregon State University working part-time at the Brass magazine. He has experiences in working at Gazette-Times despite not having a 2 year degree nor 4 year degree. When he attended LBCC, since he always had a passion for writing, he dedicated himself to the Commuter. He is not only a thriver, but also a hard worker. While he worked at the Commuter, he had another part-time job at American Dream Pizza in Corvallis. He shared his essential components of learning and writing articles.

Brandon emphasized on being humbled about criticism as we write articles. "Taking criticism is important, so don't take it too personal." Willingness to listen to criticism is necessity as he advises, being mindful of talking to people is important as well. Accepting criticism is the way to improve writing even if it's tough.

Another advise was to take any opportunities that are out there, and make an engagement with teachers. When he was a student at LBCC, he formed a great relationship with Rob Priewe who taught him Journalism. He praised the commitment of instructors at LBCC whereas instructors don't make a lot of efforts in connecting with students at Oregon State.

Last guidance that I will carry out is something that all students perhaps can relate to; don't feel bad about being overwhelmed while in college. Being a full-time students with having a part-time job is frustrating. Every students has their personal issues going on concurrently with the pressure from studying. "Don't burn yourself out, because you need a balance."

Brandon will continue working on a bachelor degree in political science at OSU although he has a weird feeling that he'll reach almost 30 by the time he graduates. There was an inspiration as well as aspiration in his speech, and I could feel that he has a great passion for writing and his life.


Brandon on Linkedin

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