Saturday, November 13, 2010

Helping International Students

She sparks, agile and is smart.

Tomomi Kurosaki was born in Tochigi, Japan growing up in a family that ran fish merchant. She lived in Japan for 18 years and moved to Hawaii for college as an exchange student. Although she graduated from OSU with an Interior Design degree and Housing Studies, she couldn't get a job that utilizes her degrees due to a mortgage downturn. However, because she feels strongly passionate about international environment, she decided to get a job which she can help international students. 

Her job title is an International Admission Assistant at INTO/OSU. Her workplace was used to be called ELI; English Language Institution where international students learn English to either enter into university in America, to earn conversational English skills or to work in business industry. INTO is located on 29th and Jefferson in Corvallis closed to West dining hall and the Veteran Teaching School at OSU. Tomomi's main job is to help undergraduate students with their admission committee and to answer their questions. She takes phone calls, assist walk-in students, support students with housing and dining services, provide students general information and update their application status.

"She is always friendly and polite to anyone. Her ambitious is admirable."says Kanako Matsumoto who is a student at INTO and knows Tomomi for over a year. Kanako respects her as an energetic worker and praises her helpfulness. Aya Tabeya, a former student at INTO said, "Anytime we ask her for help that are not even easily solvable, she tried to do her best. She always treated any students with generosity and courtesy."

Hawaii was a choice to learn English because there is an Asian culture that she can easily fit into and American life that she can get used to beforehand. Experiences in Hawaii encouraged her interest toward other country where she will explore more of perspectives about the world and her desire of being among international students. She chose America to attain her wills.

While Tomomi was attending OSU, she belonged to International Cultural Service Program where she gained more of understanding cultural differences. The program helped her enrich awareness. Since she enjoyed interacting with international students at the program, she decided to continue on working at a place where she deals with them. 

"My happiest moment of my job is when the student thanks to me." Tomomi says. Although she encounters some unappreciative students, her hospitality never stops. There are students who come to her purposely just to thank her, and that is especially when she feels like her job is worth doing. She feels delightful that she chose this job expanding her curiosity of the world. 

Her further career plan is to become a student adviser at College Students Services Administration. She hopes to be employed by the next fall.



International Cultural Service Program

Tochigi, Japan

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