Monday, January 24, 2011

Three tips from Stephen King that I can use for feature writing

"It ain't how much you've got, honey, it's how you use it."

I've never read Stephen King's books before just because I'm not a fan of fiction, but his book "On Writing" which is his memoir has taught me some tips.

The quote above is one of advices that I'd like to keep in mind. Having a wide vocabulary knowledge is always helpful, but it's more important to know how well I use all vocabraries I know. Though English is not my first language, strong vocabulary ability comes handy. I believe it's the same case in my native language.

Speaking of English as a second language, Stephen's advice for grammar is another thing I'd like to use. Stephen emphasized on simple sentences. When I write a story, I try not write a simple sentence such as a subject and a verb as less frequently as possible. But Stephen recommends a use of simple sentences because it doesn't exhaust readers.

The last thing to remember is to rewrite. If the way a paragraph seems dull, all I have to do is fix it. That what is rewriting is about. Whether I write a fiction, nonfiction, or an essay, I'm allowed to revise it as many times as I want. After all keep polishing a shoe makes it shiny enough to attract buyers.

Stephen King's Website


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