Thursday, January 6, 2011

First story for feature writing

Topic: Returning to college after serving in the military

Sources: Jeb Oliver

              His couple of friends who have come back to LBCC after their duties.

              His roommates who have served in Iraq last year and has returned to LBCC.

              Some veteran services at LBCC

Questions: Why did you join the military?

                  How long were you in the military?

                  How did you feel about returning to school?

                  What's your major?

                  In what way did experiences in the military change you?

                  Did it make you grow as a person?

                  What are the benefits of being in the military?

                  Has any of your family member joined the military?

                  Would you want to serve in the military again?

                  Have you ever wanted to quit the military?

                  What do you wish to learn in school?

Nut Graph: Why he's returned to college, What's the most intriguing about him, What it means to them in terms of returning to college, In what way has the military changed them, Why is it important to join the military

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